Review : mud mask- DHC v.s. Biotherm 心得 : 泥面膜(碧兒泉 v.s. DHC)

Quite in love with these mud masks recently.

DHC Mineral Mask(天然活膚泥)


Biotherm Wonder Mud(海藻岩泥淨化面膜)

For the package, I prefer DHC cause it's easier to collect and more convenient to bring it on flight (although the Biotherm one looks gorgeous on desk. ;p)
(I also got the sample in Hudson Bay, size is suitable for short trip.)

The texture of DHC Mineral Mask is softer, gently cleanse pores, absorb sebum but not drying out my skin, I usually use it in winter. 
Recommend it to ppl with dry/mixed skin or who just need medium cleansing.
DHC 天然活膚泥質地比較水. 比較推薦給乾肌或是只需要中度清潔的皮膚, 他可以適度清潔皮脂但不會讓臉很乾, 我通常在冬天使用.

Biotherm Wonder Mud clean up my skin deeply, allow me exfoliate my skin slightly with the scrub in mask when washing the dry mud. I usually use it in summer. Overall it's a gorgeous one, BUT, it's pretty bothersome cause somehow the mask contain lots of tiny glitters, which would stuck on my hands for a while😒
Recommend it to ppl with mixed/oily skin, or who need medium-high cleansing.
碧兒泉的海藻岩泥淨化面膜潔淨力比較強, 面膜裡有小顆粒, 洗掉面膜的時候還可以順便輕微地去角質, 我通常夏天用. 但是面膜裡的小亮粉很煩, 他會黏在手上一陣子==

