心得: 科萊麗-音波緊顏淨膚儀&粉底刷頭 Review: Clarisonic - Smart Profile Uplift Gift Set
上個月剛入手科萊麗的音波緊顏淨膚儀特惠組, 使用了一個月了來分享心得(粉底刷頭是加購的), 內有粉底刷刷色心得;)
I was just starting with Clarisonic Smart Profile Uplift gift set (the foundation brush wasn't included) last month, here's my review through the month, please check the swatches below;)

音波緊顏淨膚儀有個smart功能, 2段20秒深層清潔, 2段10秒溫和清潔, 共60秒!
For the 1 minute Smart function, it goes with 2 times of 20 seconds deep cleansing and 2 times of 10 seconds gentle cleansing.
Brush heads:
1. 活膚潔顏刷頭
這個刷頭內含晶片, 可以使用smart模式, 清潔後覺得皮膚柔滑, 但對毛孔清潔不太夠, 通常我都是用這個刷頭.
2. 油性肌刷頭
能很有效的深層清潔, 但是對皮膚比較刺激, 我一周用2~3次.
使用一個月下來黑頭粉刺明顯減少, 粉刺也變得比較容易清理, 跟一般自己洗臉真的差很多!
1. SMART Revitalizing Cleanse Brush Head:
That's the one I usually use, specific for Smart Profile, it leaves my skin soft and pliable, but it's not effective enough for pore cleansing.
2. Deep Pore Brush Head:
Very effective for pore cleansing, but being a bit rough on my skin, I use it 2~3 times a week.
After cleansing my skin with Smart Profile for a month, the biggest surprise is decrease of my whiteheads and blackheads, and easier to clean the blackheads by other tools, such a striking difference than before ;)
3. 身體去角質刷頭
完全沒有去角質的感覺, 不知道為什麼要翻成去角質刷頭, 提供基礎清潔, 懶得用磨砂浴鹽的時候可以用它~
3. Body Brush
Generally cleaning, nice choice when you need more cleansing but lazy in doing body scrub.
4. 緊顏按摩頭
一個月天天使用下來, 鎖骨、頸部、表情紋有不明顯一點點, 最顯著的是輪廓線的拉提吧!! 水腫臉的救星;)
4. Firming Massage Brush Head
Start seeing a difference with the lift on my jawline, neck, smile line and chin line through the month!!
5. 音波智能粉底刷
5. Sonic Foundation Brush
蘭蔻水感奇蹟粉底液SPF15(#B0-01) - 偏光澤型
迪奧恆久貼肌粉底液(#010) - 霧面型
Lancome Teint Miracle foundation(#B0-01) - glossy foundation
Dior Forever Perfect Foundation(#010) - matte foundation
霧面型粉底的表現上, 用刷頭(上)的比用手指(下)推勻的薄透&均勻, 不過手指推勻的會比較有遮瑕力.
偏光澤型粉底的表現上, 用手指(下)推勻反而比較薄!! 但用刷頭的那側較均勻&遮瑕力比較好.
再一張看均勻程度, 刷頭勝!!
看整體, 有趣的是, 霧面粉底用手指推勻的話會有有比較好的遮瑕度, 但光澤形的反而是刷頭刷出來的遮瑕度比較好.
結論就是他把粉底推的超均勻!! 超!!
Conclusion: The foundation brush provide a VERY EVEN application!!

音波緊顏淨膚儀有個smart功能, 2段20秒深層清潔, 2段10秒溫和清潔, 共60秒!
For the 1 minute Smart function, it goes with 2 times of 20 seconds deep cleansing and 2 times of 10 seconds gentle cleansing.
Brush heads:
1. 活膚潔顏刷頭
這個刷頭內含晶片, 可以使用smart模式, 清潔後覺得皮膚柔滑, 但對毛孔清潔不太夠, 通常我都是用這個刷頭.
2. 油性肌刷頭
能很有效的深層清潔, 但是對皮膚比較刺激, 我一周用2~3次.
使用一個月下來黑頭粉刺明顯減少, 粉刺也變得比較容易清理, 跟一般自己洗臉真的差很多!
1. SMART Revitalizing Cleanse Brush Head:
That's the one I usually use, specific for Smart Profile, it leaves my skin soft and pliable, but it's not effective enough for pore cleansing.
2. Deep Pore Brush Head:
Very effective for pore cleansing, but being a bit rough on my skin, I use it 2~3 times a week.
After cleansing my skin with Smart Profile for a month, the biggest surprise is decrease of my whiteheads and blackheads, and easier to clean the blackheads by other tools, such a striking difference than before ;)
3. 身體去角質刷頭
完全沒有去角質的感覺, 不知道為什麼要翻成去角質刷頭, 提供基礎清潔, 懶得用磨砂浴鹽的時候可以用它~
3. Body Brush
Generally cleaning, nice choice when you need more cleansing but lazy in doing body scrub.
4. 緊顏按摩頭
一個月天天使用下來, 鎖骨、頸部、表情紋有不明顯一點點, 最顯著的是輪廓線的拉提吧!! 水腫臉的救星;)
4. Firming Massage Brush Head
Start seeing a difference with the lift on my jawline, neck, smile line and chin line through the month!!
5. 音波智能粉底刷
5. Sonic Foundation Brush
蘭蔻水感奇蹟粉底液SPF15(#B0-01) - 偏光澤型
迪奧恆久貼肌粉底液(#010) - 霧面型
Lancome Teint Miracle foundation(#B0-01) - glossy foundation
Dior Forever Perfect Foundation(#010) - matte foundation
霧面型粉底的表現上, 用刷頭(上)的比用手指(下)推勻的薄透&均勻, 不過手指推勻的會比較有遮瑕力.
偏光澤型粉底的表現上, 用手指(下)推勻反而比較薄!! 但用刷頭的那側較均勻&遮瑕力比較好.
再一張看均勻程度, 刷頭勝!!
看整體, 有趣的是, 霧面粉底用手指推勻的話會有有比較好的遮瑕度, 但光澤形的反而是刷頭刷出來的遮瑕度比較好.
結論就是他把粉底推的超均勻!! 超!!
Conclusion: The foundation brush provide a VERY EVEN application!!
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